Monday, May 21, 2018

K.B. Andrews and Kelly Moore complete the awaited series of twin brothers John and Jake Remington and Brooklyn Warren.

TAKING JAKE (Brooklyn Series #3) by K.B. Andrews & Kelly Moore

Genre: Romance Suspense

Release Date:  May 21, 2018

Cover Design: Dark Water Covers

Taking Jake Cover

My life was finally perfect. No more cancer, a beautiful girlfriend, and a baby on the way.  I couldn’t have been happier…then bam!  I’m in a dark dingy cell being held for ransom.

I’m nothing more than a pawn…a bargaining chip for a cure that hasn’t been found. I either have to escape…or become a killer to get out of the hands of the man that my brother put behind bars years ago.

I won’t let him destroy my family and send us all on the run again.

It’s my turn to be the hero.

I can either kill or be killed.

Goodreads Link:

                           TDB Complete

Links to Buy:
Taking Down Brooklyn:
Taking Back Brooklyn:
 Taking Jake:             

Author Links:
Kelly Moore's Bio

Kelly Moore writes so the characters inside her head can come to life. She writes sexy, steamy, suspenseful romance stories, laced with a touch of humor.
Her true addictions include traveling, exploring old books stores for treasures, laughing with friends and family, eating mint Oreo ice cream, and spoiling her grandchildren rotten.
She is a critical care nurse by day and an author by night. Writing settles her mind and spirit, plus she gets to spend her days in her pajamas.

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K.B. Andrews' Bio

K.B. Andrews was born and raised in a small town in Southern Illinois. She has been dreaming up stories since she was a small child before she even knew how to spell. She took the first step into self-publishing in November of 2016 and hasn't looked back since. Currently, she has written five books, three books in The Chance Series, Finding You in the Darkness, and Losing a Piece of Me. She is a stay-at-home mom of two children and spends her days in a chaotic mess of life and writing. To stay up to date with things she's working on, find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

Follow K. B. Andrews

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