Thursday, February 25, 2016

Desolate by Amy Miles

Desolate by Amy Miles

Book 1 of the Immortal Rose Trilogy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
    A wedding massacre. An innocence stolen. Mortality stripped away.  In a single night, everyone Roseline Dragomir has ever loved is slaughtered before her eyes. Alone in the world and bound by a solemn marriage vow to a vicious murderer, she must find a strength buried deep within her to keep going or risk completely losing herself.  When a mysterious stranger crosses her path, Roseline will discover that not all immortals are evil. Some even bear emotional scars that run just as deep as her own.  Will she uncover a will not just to survive...but to fight back? Desolate is a story about a girl who was turned against her will into a vampire. It tells the story of her the complete annihilation of her family and the struggles to continue life without consuming blood. At least not human blood. It tells of her multiple rapes from her husband, Vladimir, and the complete joy he and his brother, Lucien, get out of destruction and pain. It also tells of her budding relationship with Fane and how he attempts to save her. It also tells the story of the budding love between her and Fane as he attempts to save her from the harm that she deals with daily and her attempts to per herself out of her own misery and from the worst part of this new life she must now lead. He attempts to at least help her to learn how to defend herself and to live in this world and shows her that it is not a requirement to drink blood, that it just helps in the healing. Desolate displays a lot of violence and domestic abuse to the point that Rose should have died several times and would have had she not been forced to drink blood or she were still human. This is the beginning of a trilogy of prequels to the Arotas series. I did not know about the books that were already out that starring Rose, so this was a beginning that I really enjoyed and I think that I’m glad that I got to read it before reading the Arotas series. I like Ms. Mile’s writing style and this book left me wanting for more.
Available at:  Amazon | iTunes | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Goodreads | Smashwords | Audible

Author Bio

Author Amy Miles has always been a bit of a dreamer. Growing up as an only child, and a military brat to boot, she spent countless hours escaping into the pages of a book, only to spend the following days creating a new idea of how to twist up the story to make it unique.

Since becoming a mother, Amy has slowly nourished her love of the written word while snatching writing time in the midst of soiled diapers, tumbling over legos and peering around mounds of laundry and dishes that never seem to go away. Once her only son started school, Amy was free to let her fingers dive into dark mythology, tales of betrayal and love, and explore human nature in its rawest form. Her love of seeing the world from a different angle bloomed. Amy is the author of several novels, including her popular young adult immortal books, The Arotas Series, which are an Amazon and iBooks bestselling series. Unwilling to be defined by any one genre, she proceeded to flip over to a science fiction/fantasy based idea with her Rising Trilogy. She then dove into contemporary romance with her novel, Captivate and explored the depths of her own faith with In Your Embrace. She is currently working on completing her Immortal Rose trilogy, a prequel to her Arotas novels. She has also embarked on two new journeys this year, one in the form of a co-written banshee trilogy, The Hallowed Realms, which is currently represented by GH Literary and she breached another genre with her upcoming adult horror novel, Wither.
Connect with Amy:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page
  I received a digital copy of this book for free from the publisher, Red Coat PR, and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Thursday, February 18, 2016