Monday, May 21, 2018

K.B. Andrews and Kelly Moore complete the awaited series of twin brothers John and Jake Remington and Brooklyn Warren.

TAKING JAKE (Brooklyn Series #3) by K.B. Andrews & Kelly Moore

Genre: Romance Suspense

Release Date:  May 21, 2018

Cover Design: Dark Water Covers

Taking Jake Cover

My life was finally perfect. No more cancer, a beautiful girlfriend, and a baby on the way.  I couldn’t have been happier…then bam!  I’m in a dark dingy cell being held for ransom.

I’m nothing more than a pawn…a bargaining chip for a cure that hasn’t been found. I either have to escape…or become a killer to get out of the hands of the man that my brother put behind bars years ago.

I won’t let him destroy my family and send us all on the run again.

It’s my turn to be the hero.

I can either kill or be killed.

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                           TDB Complete

Links to Buy:
Taking Down Brooklyn:
Taking Back Brooklyn:
 Taking Jake:             

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Kelly Moore's Bio

Kelly Moore writes so the characters inside her head can come to life. She writes sexy, steamy, suspenseful romance stories, laced with a touch of humor.
Her true addictions include traveling, exploring old books stores for treasures, laughing with friends and family, eating mint Oreo ice cream, and spoiling her grandchildren rotten.
She is a critical care nurse by day and an author by night. Writing settles her mind and spirit, plus she gets to spend her days in her pajamas.

Follow Kelly Moore

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K.B. Andrews' Bio

K.B. Andrews was born and raised in a small town in Southern Illinois. She has been dreaming up stories since she was a small child before she even knew how to spell. She took the first step into self-publishing in November of 2016 and hasn't looked back since. Currently, she has written five books, three books in The Chance Series, Finding You in the Darkness, and Losing a Piece of Me. She is a stay-at-home mom of two children and spends her days in a chaotic mess of life and writing. To stay up to date with things she's working on, find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

Follow K. B. Andrews

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

❤💛The Real Winner by KV Rider is LIVE💛❤

Title: The Real Winner
Author: KV Rider
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

What would you do for your best friend?
What would you do for family?

When the two combine, do you make a choice?

Watch what happens when you combine friendship and family.

Casey wins the chance of a lifetime, to learn how to run a ranch of her own. Unfortunately, Jason, the ranch owner, runs it as a men only operation. When Casey shows up to claim her prize, Jason doesn’t want her there. Fearing a lawsuit, he gives in, assigning her busywork that frustrates and infuriates her.
Jason finds he has a protective streak where Casey’s concerned. He does his best to ignore her, but can’t. When a series of suspicious mishaps occur, Jason wants Casey gone, but once Casey gets attacked, Jason can’t let her go. After an unexpected night together, Jason knows he’ll always want Casey in his life. But Casey has no memory of it, leaving Jason feeling used and confused. Had he imagined their night together?
Follow Jason and Casey along their path of mystery, murder and romance as they find their way through their journey. Can Jason protect Casey long enough to convince her to build a life together on their ranch?
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As his lips claimed hers, he wanted to consume all of her in the kiss. He realized somewhere in the back of his head that she wasn’t fighting him. She was standing there, stiff against him and the wall, and he softened the hold on her arms, still not wanting to let go, unsure if he was even able to let her go. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her into him, drawing her closer. He caressed her with his fingertips, urging her to come closer toward him, trying not to force anything on her. He wanted her to have a say, but he wasn’t so sure of himself. He wasn’t so sure if he’d be able to let her go if that was what she wanted.
She tasted the way he thought she would, and he lost himself in the kiss.
Suddenly, Casey was kissing him back, and he knew she was there with him when their mouths started dancing the slow seductive dance, testing the angles that would give them more of each other. He sipped the heat from her, transferring his own to her, letting her know that this would end in a fast and wild dance. A dance that only the two of them would share.

I was born in Euclid, Ohio, living in Wickliffe until I was seven. It was then that we moved to a small town in Kentucky. I married young and still live in that small town with my husband. We have three children, a daughter-in-law, and three (almost four now!) grandchildren. Our parents all live close by, as well as our children. I love watching my birds on the deck and having herb gardens and trees. My pinterest account is mostly filled with books I love reading and also on gardening ideas.

I’ve always enjoyed writing. It wasn’t until the death of my middle sister, that I found that I could escape my daily life in writing, it was a great way to deal with the mourning process. The only sharing I did during this time was for extra credit in school and for my friends and family.

My desire to write took a side-burner when I had children of my own. But with time passing, the stories became more like little movies and I knew I needed to write again. As I worked on this book, I never thought I would do anything with it, but as time passed, I knew I wanted to share it! One of my favorite authors, Susan Mallery was going to be at a convention. She kept posting about the RT convention, and so I ended up going to my first one. I learned a lot there and made some wonderful friends (Monica, Damon, and Stephanie), but most importantly, it gave me direction. The second one I attended, I submitted my book to the company I fell in love with through Monica.

I work as a paramedic and love this job also! It’s very rewarding as it is also stressful! EMS does not get the justification as it should, especially when EMS and firefighting are two separate identities as in most smaller communities. Most of my off time is filled with family and getting the time to just stay at home.

Enter to win ONE of these AMAZING prizes!
2 signed copies of The Real Winner

2 swag gifts from Four Roses Distillery

2 $10 Amazon Gift Cards 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Finding Perseverance by T.E. Black

#NewRelease #SportsRomance #UnexpectedLove

Finding Perseverance 

Release Blitz

#OneClick Finding Perseverance


Ten years ago, Ryleigh O’Donnell let the love of her life go so he could follow his dreams. 

Now, she’s a successful bar owner, a loyal and fierce friend, and someone everyone counts on. 

She has everything she has ever dreamed of, but there is still a void inside her the size of a six-

foot-four professional fighter, Rook Wallace, who she is forced to watch on television.

When she finds her past hiding in the shadows under her fire escape and asking for her help, she knows she should turn him away—protect herself. Her heart doesn’t care what her mind wants, though, and she risks everything by letting him back into her life. She just has to hold on long enough for him to clear his name, and keep his career afloat, then she can go back to business as usual … at least that’s what she tells herself.

♥Connect with T.E. Black♥
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Michael Ross - Hand in Glove (Out of Hand Series Book 2) AVAILABLE NOW!

Michael Ross - Hand in Glove (Out of Hand Series Book 2) AVAILABLE NOW!
Eighteen months have passed since the concluding scene of Hand Over Fist, and disgraced ex-detective Bobby Tanner is enjoying his life in business partnership with entrepreneur John Staples, better known as Pin-up. Bobby lives in an exclusive riverside apartment with the lovely Zoe Jackson and his life has never been better.
Everything is plain sailing until Pin-up calls him into his office with details of an investigation for Bobby to carry out. A few months earlier, famous show business agent Mo Parker was murdered in his country mansion and the police investigation team led by Bobby's ex-colleague, DS Jess Mulligan has got nowhere with its enquiries.
Pin-up is a personal friend of Parker's most famous client, superstar actress/model Paige Freeman, who feels that large amounts of money, handled for her by Parker, have gone missing. With inside information from Mulligan, Bobby is less constrained by protocol than the detective and, with the help of the former criminal enforcer, Xenon, Bobby is able to pick up a clear thread which leads him to Mo Parker's killer.
However, as a clearer picture of events emerges, it is obvious that dark forces and motivations lie behind Parker's death. The identity of the murderer becomes almost incidental as Bobby searches for the truth, and he needs to move quickly if matters are not to spiral completely out of control.
It was a strange and twisting road that led to the publishing of my second novel.
Born and raised in Bristol, England. I spent my adult life in business, the majority of that time marketing cars. I eventually owned the largest Saab specialist in the world, before a divorce put an end to that part of my life.
This led me to leave Bristol to live halfway up a mountain in the Welsh valleys, start a part time six-year English Literature course at Bristol University, and attend creative writing classes in Cardiff.
My interest in English literature flourished and I have won several prizes for my short stories. My first book, 'Twenty Short Stories – Settling a score,” reached No 6 in the Short Stories Best Sellers and is still available. My second novel, a romantic thriller entitled Hand Over Fist was released earlier this year
Chasing What’s Already Gone evolved from a short story Carpe Diem in my second anthology Twenty One Short Stories. I could not get the two main characters out of my head and I had to find out what happened to them after the end of the short story.
I now live very happily halfway up that mountain in the Welsh Valleys with my wonderful partner, Mari, and our rescue dog, Wolfie.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

HAND OVER FIST by Michael Ross

HAND OVER FIST (Out of Hand Series Book 1)

Martin Russell is a good man living in a bad world.
Once a successful businessman, he is at rock bottom when, with barely enough motivation to face the future, he spends his last coin on a bus ride out of the city. Then a chance incident near his home triggers a sequence of positive opportunities, and an old friend, Hannah, elbows her way back into his life and gives him back his self-belief.
His life, unexpectedly, could not be better as he rebuilds his world. Old friends rally around him and his future is full of positivity. That is until the phone call informing him that Hannah has disappeared and people's lives change forever. He needs friends more than ever; non-more so than John Staples, known as Pin-up, the billionaire businessman with a network of connections, who enlists disgraced ex policeman Bobby Tanner to help find Hannah.
They are all thrust into a world of half-truths where the roots of evil run deeper than can be imagined; where all roads lead to the door of The Chemist’s underworld empire of corruption. Bobby Tanner and Pin-up must uncover the truth, and fast. Lives depend on it.

Purchase links:

About The Author

It was a strange and twisting road that led to the publishing of my second novel.

Born and raised in Bristol, England. I spent my adult life in business, the majority of that time marketing cars. I eventually owned the largest Saab specialist in the world, before a divorce put an end to that part of my life.

This led me to leave Bristol to live halfway up a mountain in the Welsh valleys, start a part time six year English Literature course at Bristol University, and attend creative writing classes in Cardiff.

My interest in English literature flourished and I have won several prizes for my short stories. My first book, 'Twenty Short Stories – Settling a score,” reached No 6 in the Short Stories Best Sellers and is still available. My second novel, a romantic thriller entitled Hand Over Fist was released earlier this year

Chasing What’s Already Gone evolved from a short story Carpe Diem in my second anthology Twenty One Short Stories. I could not get the two main characters out of my head and I had to find out what happened to them after the end of the short story.

I now live very happily halfway up that mountain in the Welsh Valleys with my wonderful partner, Mari, and our rescue dog, Wolfie.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fighting For A Chance by Linda Oaks

Title: Fighting For A Chance
Author: Linda Oaks
Series: The Chasing Series
Genre: New Adult
Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

What happens when you fall for the enemy?
It all began with a secret.
A cross of paths that altered a life.
Iris Malone had a plan of revenge. She searched for the man known as “The Savage.”
Chance Logan was one of the most promising heavyweight contenders on the planet. Her plan was simple, to make a savage fall to his knees. She would break his heart like

he’d broken so many countless others before her.
But sometimes even the best laid plans can begin to unravel.
What happens when you fall for the enemy?
When you’re in danger of losing your heart to the man you promised to make suffer?
When lines are crossed, and it’s too late to turn back, you have no choice but to live

with the decisions you make.
Will Iris’s plan for revenge ruin the chance at a love of a lifetime?
Will she fight for a chance to love a savage or will she lose everything when the truth is

finally revealed?

Someone was going down.
Someone would pay.
Do you care to place your bets as to who will be standing at the end of the final round?
**Fighting For A Chance is an Interconnected Standalone in The Chasing Series. Each book features a different couple.**

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Five minutes before closing, she was walking my way. There was a ghost of a smile curving her lips. Come to poppa. “It’s closing time,” she announced, and picked up a glass from the table. “Don’t make me have Chunk throw you out.”

Shit, was she serious? The bouncer throwing me out? My chest started to shake. I threw back my head, laughing. Damn, she was funny. I wasn’t expecting that. “I’d like to see him try. You’re a regular little comedian, aren’t you, Iris?”

“I get by,” she said saucily, and then leaned across the table, reaching for the last glass sitting near my hand. The next thing I knew, my fingers were wrapped around her wrist. It was instinct, to take what I wanted. She was trying to play a game with me, but little did she know I was a pro at this shit. Gasping, she stared wide-eyed back at me. There it was, that reaction I wanted. Awareness.

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Linda Oaks has always had a passion for books. At the age of five, she was a book of the month club member. Her love for books eventually led her to a love of writing. She resides in Eastern Kentucky with her husband, two children, five dogs and a pet rabbit named Dozer. She can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She can also be reached by email at She loves connecting with her readers.

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